SITUATION Dr Newmans Clinic is the UK’s only doctor-led thread vein removal specialists. Having gained national exposure through appearances on C4’s ‘Embarrassing Bodies’ and on ITV, they increased their coverage across the UK, creating a requirement for more leads. Planit were appointed as their media agency with a focus on increasing lead volumes whilst reducing costs. SOLUTION Improvements to volume and cost were achieved through a complete rebuild of the existing paid search campaign with a focus on location-specific bid adjustments to the main cities in which clinics were located. This was supported with a range of Facebook & Instagram lead gen campaigns which utilised geo-targeting to adjust budgets on-the-fly according to the areas in which clinics had capacity for appointments that month. In addition, Planit worked with DRNC to develop a bespoke analytics platform to examine cost per sale on a granular, per campaign basis, allowing for optimisation from click to sale. IMPACT Planit's granular approach to optimisation led to a doubling of lead volumes year on year, whilst simultaneously halving the existing cost per lead. The agile, location-specific approach ensured that all clinics were as close to full capacity as possible each month. Analysis of conversion rates from lead to sale on a per campaign level in the analytics platform ensured bids were adjusted according to return, which saw an increase from 6x ROI to 9x ROI.
"As a digital first, analytics lead business, we wanted to work with an agency familiar with optimising cost per sale and ROI at a campaign level. Planit were happy to work on that basis and together we have driven ROI up 50% in less than 12 months." - Jason Powell